Sunday, October 18, 2009

Paintball Guns for Sell

Looking to catch up on some bills and sell your paintball gun? Don't do it! I know, I know, you'll get another one...

That said, let's look at the very best to get paintball markers (guns).

I love paintball, and making one of the biggest selling DVD's in the industry Paintball Clinic's Winning Techniques for a while there I was playing mad, mad paintball. I'm terrible but lucky for me, or maybe unlucky for me, I got to play with some very good players who enjoyed shooting me in the face at every opportunity.

Getting a good deal on your gun is, thankfully, a little easier than getting better when playing against pros.

First, if you're selling don't use ebay. why? because if you're buying that's where you go. people are unloading their guns there and there is so much stuff for sell that there's nothing to do a but go lower. I mean, go check it out. Seriously. Want to compete with those guys? Some of those prices are ridiculous!

if you're selling use your contacts, try to sell to someone you know. They will want it to be fair for both parties. Selling in this way makes everyone happy. But often, when you need to sell something there is nothing and no one that wants to buy it. ahhhhh!!!!

Never fear, try going to some local paintball shops and if the owner is not there talk to the shop guys. Tell them, on the sly, hey if you hook a good deal up I'll give you fifty bucks. Tell them to act like the gun is theirs... and a lot of times if they feel the situation is right they'll make the sale. Anyway it's worth a shot. Try to get to know them a little bit. Kid around with them.

Tell them, "Hey, I want a hundred bucks for it... whatever you get over that is yours." But make sure it's worth a bit more than a hundred. If it's worth $60 bucks and you're doing this he's going to laugh in your face...

Got it?

Also, has a sales area. Post it.

A few more sites... but make sure they are legit! Don't get scammed and don't take a money order... or if you do... deposit the money order and wait 8 days. Seriously... there about a million scams for money orders.... wait the 8 days before you give the gun or any kind of cash...

talk to you soon...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How to Paintball like a pro!

Paintball has really taken a hit during this economic downturn. Teams and companies have been dismantled. Stores have closed. People have quit playing. Everything bad that could happen to paintball short of being outlawed has happened.

What's that mean for the young, dynamic player? It means when the sport begins to rebuild and it will because if you've ever played this blasted game even once you know... it ROCKS! Even if you suck... it ROCKS. How to dominate paintball and become a pro these days is nothing more than keeping the dream alive. Pro teams will reform and those player that stepped out to get regular jobs... they will become the weekend warriors. They'll want to play pro still but for more of them, they will have become to sloppy, too unfocused. They will have let too many things into their lives.

If you've kept up your game then you know, it's only a matter of time... the economy is just starting to recover, housing prices are going up, and paintball will soon be selling again.

Once it does... those companies still left will be scrambling to put together pro teams so the young players have a dream to aspire to!

How to Paintball like a pro is literally a way to become a pro. You know you need practice but there has never been a better time, your chances have never been so good. If you're there at the beginning of phase two of paintball you could make some serious money.