Sunday, June 14, 2009

How to Paintball for Beginners

How to Paintball is a question asked all the time by people about to play paintball for the first time. They don't want to look like fools when they get out there so they want to have a good idea of what they are in for. If you're new... don't worry, we'll get you the basics so you don't have to worry about what you're doing wrong so you can just have FUN.

And Paintball is fun if you know how to do the basics. Everyone knows how to shoot a gun but you have to know a little bit more than that... but not much more! lol.

First thing is the field.

A Paintball field comes in three forms. A speedball field (often using NPPL rules), a recreation (or rec) ball field and a woods field.


Speedball is small and uses inflatable bunkers. This is the big time and when you get out to a field don't play here unless you want a fast but very harsh learning curve... these players are usually fairly good to very, very good and the game is very, very fast.

NPPL is the "pro" league and the dream of most of these players... you don't really need to know these rules other than if you get shot anywhere on your body you hold your gun high in the air... wait, then stand and walk off the side of the field or back to the beginning.
Rec Ball:

Rec ball (or recreation ball, buy trust me say "I want to play rec ball") is played on a much bigger field. It will have an assortment of style's of bunkers (things you hide behind) such as broken down cars, airplanes, helicopters, giant wood cable spools are popular, as well as trenches, holes, wooden fortifications and sometimes wood castles. Anything really but inflatable bunkers.

Since you start so far apart you can usually get to a bunker and do some shooting for a while (unlike speedball where you're usually dead in a couple of intense minutes) and maybe move to a few new bunkers before your team over runs the other team or they get you.
Woods Ball:

You're out in the woods with only "natural" bunkers. Trees, rocks, bushes and the like. Fields are usually the largest here although they might have some constructed bunkers as well, just depends on the field. These usually take longer and often hold "scenario games" which are complicated, fun and will take an entry all by itself.

You can crawl around in the "woods" for an hour without shooting or getting shot at. Some people love this and others hate it. Figure out if it's your thing.

Does it hurt?

Yes. From far away is like getting flicked by a finger kind of hard. The closer they get the more it hurts. From 5 feet you will probably have a bruise about a quarter of an inch across. But no big deal. It really isn't that bad. Most people find they are relieved when they get hit because it isn't as bad as they thought it would be. ;)

Will I get hurt?

No. Paintball has the least injuries of any action sport. (acoording to statistics) Less than basketball, skateboarding, tennis, cycling... because people sort of stick to what they can do. Big, old or slow players shuffle to near by bunkers and fire from there. Young kids are careful at first and then gung ho... but all that means is sliding into a bunker. No one gets hurt sliding. You know if you can slide or not. You know haw fast you can run.
Will someone shoot me up close?

Some fields players will ask you to surrender without shooting you. If you're asked...immediately put your gun/marker into the air. If you don't they will shoot. Other fields don't have this rule. But usually on rec fields people don't have high end guns and their paintballs are slower and they usually get you from a distance... most times in the mask as you stick it out to look around. It really is safe.

Can a beginner compete at Paintball?

Yes. Especially at rec ball. You just have to know how to operate on he paintball field. You see mid level and low level guns are NOT accurate. Just watch your own balls go all over the place when you're trying to hit someone's face sticking out of a bunker about 10 inches. It's HARD. So it's hard for them to hit you as well.

Speedball can be a different story. About 10 to 20 percent of the kids have high end guns and these shoot the most accurate and often very fast. But once a kid has one of these guns he usuallly doesn't want to play rec ball. He's "too good" for it. So play rec ball first. Trust me you will LOVE this game. I've never seen anyone in all my years of paintball not LOVE it the first time they played. It's just a huge rush!

Do I need to buy a gun, paint or mask?

No. The fields all have very cheap rentals. Note that I said cheap. Not to worry, though. The game is still ridiculously fun even with a cheap gun that sends balls all over the field and with "field" paint that doesn't always break when it hits someone.

The masks fill fog up... everyone knows how to reach inside their mast and try and wipe it... only to make it worse! lol.

I recommend buying a mask even before a gun... I HATE having my mask fog up. Some fields have masks that don't fog... but don't count on it. It's a good first purchase once you realize you love this game.

Is Paintball Expensive?

Yes. Safe but expensive. Fun but expensive. Brilliant and primal but expensive. Do I recommend it? Yes. Everyone should play twice. The first time for the thrill the second time for the hunt. After that... decide if you can afford it.
How to Paintball for Beginners.

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